
Does your business need capital? If so, is crowd sourced funding the best course of action?

Here at Lawnch, we know that capital is the lifeblood coursing through the veins of every business. Yet, navigating the capital raising process can prove to be one of the most formidable challenges in the business landscape. Crowd sourced funding is just one avenue open to businesses to raise capital, and our experts have been part of numerous teams in Gold Coast and around Australia that have facilitated both successful, and unsuccessful, crowd sourced raises.

Wondering if crowd sourced funding might suit your stage and type of business? To book a free 30-minute consultation with one of our experienced team members, give us a call and we can lock in a time.

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How can Lawnch assist with capital raising?

Whether your capital raising options involve:

  • conventional debt
  • equity, or
  • the complexities of a convertible note or SAFE note,

our seasoned team is poised to provide adept guidance. We offer invaluable insights into the intricacies of capital raising, ensuring compliance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), whilst also aligning your approach with the prevailing market conditions relevant to your industry and chosen capital-raising method.

To discuss, lodge an enquiry and we’ll be in touch to book in a free 30-minute consultation.

Tammi and Ben, Lawnch Directors

Lawyers for fast-moving businesses

When your business needs rapid-response insights that come from experience, not theory, we’re who you talk to.

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The Lawnch difference.

Traditional professional services firm

Waits for you to tell them what to do

Slow to respond

Poor communicators

Forget the ‘service’ component of ‘customer service’

Provide documents that you don’t understand and hence can’t implement

Prepare agreements and documents that hold little to no practical value

Stiff and formal

The Lawnch way

  • Flips the traditional model on its head – by working with you proactively to help you identify what you don’t know
  • Responsiveness – we’re so quick to respond, we’ll be waiting on you
  • Active communicators – who move at the speed you set
  • Customer service – is at the forefront of everything we do
  • Workshop documents with you – so that you understand the implications
  • Align agreements and documents with your strategic goals – for both now and in the future
  • Vibrant and energetic – no suits and frowns here!

Crowd Sourced Funding Experts and For Business Gold Coast, Australia


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