
Looking to acquire or sell
a business or shares?

If yes, ask yourself this question – can you afford to encounter issues during the acquisition or sale? Undoubtedly, the answer is ‘no,’ and that’s precisely where our expertise comes into play. Our team of seasoned lawyers have successfully navigated countless business and share sales and acquisitions.

A sale of a business or shares can be a stressful endeavour, which lawyers are known to complicate. Our lawyers know that you need practical guidance and support.

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We make the process of acquiring
or selling simple (how un-lawyerly of us).

There are different methods for acquiring or selling a business – including via an asset sale or a sale of shares. There are also different processes and stages, which vary based on the nature and scale of the acquisition or sale. Should you use a term sheet? Are you speaking with a party exclusively? We can educate you, in as little or as much detail as you want, on the differences and implications of each option, arming you to make a decision that best suits you.

We can walk you through

  • tax implications – what the potential capital gains tax and stamp duty implications may be
  • commercial risks – the different risks in purchasing a business vs shares, and
  • commercial practicality – what you can expect during the process of the acquisition or sale, given the nature and scale of the proposed transaction.
Tammi and Ben, Lawnch Directors

Lawyers for fast-moving businesses

When your business needs rapid-response insights that come from experience, not theory, we’re who you talk to.

Contact now

The Lawnch difference.

Traditional professional services firm

Waits for you to tell them what to do

Slow to respond

Poor communicators

Forget the ‘service’ component of ‘customer service’

Provide documents that you don’t understand and hence can’t implement

Prepare agreements and documents that hold little to no practical value

Stiff and formal

The Lawnch way

  • Flips the traditional model on its head – by working with you proactively to help you identify what you don’t know
  • Responsiveness – we’re so quick to respond, we’ll be waiting on you
  • Active communicators – who move at the speed you set
  • Customer service – is at the forefront of everything we do
  • Workshop documents with you – so that you understand the implications
  • Align agreements and documents with your strategic goals – for both now and in the future
  • Vibrant and energetic – no suits and frowns here!

Don’t take our word for it. Take theirs

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