Not another business coach

Why Lawnch membership?


You have the killer idea, you’re turning it into reality, you’re on the path to commercialising… but you’re just not sure where to start, or who to ask? Business coach? Mentor? Advisors?

Business coaches/mentors/advisory board organisations are great and certainly have their place, but ultimately, they are giving you advice on things you need to do and implement into your business. What this product offers is something that not only helps you make your business better, but also absolutely implements everything you need to ensure that your business can be sustained and propelled forward.

We get it, every dollar is coming out of your bank account and legal fees can take a huge chunk of that. That is why we created the Lawnch membership. With a discovery session, five legal documents from our Essentials Pick List and unlimited Quick Calls – we are literally a phone call away.

Image of a lawyer in front of a boardroom table of lawyers working.

So, how does this membership work?

We have developed a membership plan that is readily accessible to businesses who the traditional legal services model doesn’t suit. By identifying a suite of critical documents and provide a framework so that you can get the advice you need now to ensure the journey to growth is not only accelerated, but critically not inhibited , for $192 per week*, you will receive:

  • A discovery session within the first 14 days of signing up with Tammi McDermott, Lawnch Director.
  • Five legal documents from our essentials Pick List.
  • Unlimited Quick Calls* with a lawyer.

*15 minutes or less on a topic

What items are included in our Essentials Pick List?

Our Essential Pick List documents include:

  • Shareholders’ Agreement
  • Grants Search Report
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • Contractor Services Agreement
  • Employment Agreement
  • Deed of Confidentiality and Restraint
  • Share Subscription Agreement
  • Privacy Policy
  • Website Terms and Conditions
  • Loan Agreement
  • IP Assignment Deed
Tammi and Ben, Lawnch Directors

Lawyers for fast-moving businesses

When your business needs rapid-response insights that come from experience, not theory, we’re who you talk to.

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